5 Flower Girl Attire Mistakes to Never Make

These little bridal party members require optimal comfort.

flower girls holding hands

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Flower girls may be the littlest member of a bridal party, but their presence plays a huge role at every wedding. From walking down the aisle to taking photos with the bride, these miniature guests have the ability to brighten any room they walk into. Therefore, as the bride, you want to ensure that your precious little girls are happy, healthy, and comfortable throughout the entire celebration, especially as it relates to their attire.

As dictated by tradition, brides often opt to select flower girl dresses that are mini replicas of their own wedding gowns. And while this approach is completely fine, it's essential to steer clear of any uncomfortable looks and to remember the clothing requirements young children need when dressing for a formal occasion. Thus, with the help of Sarah Liu, chief designer at JJ’s House, we break down the top five flower girl attire mistakes all brides should avoid when planning a wedding.

Meet the Expert

Sarah Liu is the chief designer at JJ's House, a global online retailer that specializes in everything from flower girl dresses to bridal party looks and more.

Requiring her to wear an uncomfortable dress.

While adults are able to push through their discomfort when wearing an outfit they don't like, children do not have the capabilities to function in an uncomfortable garment. That's why it's always important to be mindful of the fabric and style of the flower girl dress you choose for your small wedding party member. "We should put children's comfort in the first place. Children's skin is very delicate, and we need to be more strict in choosing the fabric [of their attire]," shares Liu.

Instead of requesting a flower girl to wear a large tulle dress, which can oftentimes feel restrictive and itchy, select a look made of soft materials like chiffon and crepe, which is gentle on the skin and allows for optimal movement. Brides should also be mindful of the length of any ensemble they choose. "Flower girl dresses can't be too long, as we don’t want them to trip and fall," Liu notes.

Selecting an expensive look.

Even if you plan on purchasing the flower girl's dress (rather than having her parents foot the bill), you may not want to select something that is extremely expensive. Think about it: Children grow up extremely fast, so your flower girl will likely never wear her dress again after the wedding is over. "Our little girls grow quickly and they usually need to change size within a few months. If we buy an overly expensive dress, girls can't wear the dresses later and it will be a huge waste. It is also not very environmentally friendly." There are many retailers that sell affordable flower girl dresses, like David's Bridal, JJ's House, and Etsy, so be sure to peruse these sites before selecting "the one."

Shopping too early.

As mentioned above, children grow fast, meaning their sizes can change in the blink of an eye. Therefore, it isn't the best idea to purchase a look too early in advance, as it may not fit your little girl once it's time for her to walk down the aisle. "It will waste time and money," says Liu. For the best results, you should purchase flower girl dresses about two to three months before the big day to avoid any potential wardrobe malfunctions. "JJ's House offers high-quality flower girl dresses, and it usually takes around two weeks to get a made-to-order dress. We also offer shipping in 48 hours," Liu adds.

Buying inappropriate shoes.

Even as adults, it's a terrible feeling when you're stuck wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long period of time. So why would you subject your little member to that type of discomfort? "Comfort, comfort, comfort, we want to emphasize this. If our little girls wear a pair of inappropriate shoes, it will harm their health. We should choose cozy leather and ankle-friendly shoes for our flower girls." Thus, while it may seem cute to have your bridal party member sport a sparkly pair of tiny wedges, it's unfair to require her to wear them if they don't provide optimal support. Be mindful of the shoes you ask your flower girl to wear, and always have her try on her footwear well before the big day.

Not adhering to the weather.

No matter if you plan on having a summer wedding at the beach, or a winter celebration on an Aspen mountaintop, be sure to always select a dress that is weather appropriate. Not only will this allow your flower girl to feel comfortable and confident in her look, but it's also crucial for the health of your small bridal party member (after all, you do not want her to get sick because of your wedding). "It is important to choose the flower girl dress according to the weather," Liu shares. "In summer, a sleeveless or short dress is a good choice. In spring and autumn, choose long sleeve dresses, and in winter, add some coats or faux fur wraps." Don't let your desire for a fashionable look overshadow the practicality of your flower girl's attire.

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