Should You Plan Your Wedding Around Your Period?

A comprehensive guide on when to tie the knot during your cycle.

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Let's face it, many women become super sensitive to the various phases of their menstrual cycle. When they're ovulating, they feel like Beyoncé. But in the week that follows—known as the luteal phase or, more commonly, PMS—some can suddenly transform into a combination of Mommie Dearest’s Joan Crawford and Sadness from Inside Out. Then, the whole thing climaxes in a day of excruciating pain, after which their period comes and their head stops spinning like the little girl’s in The Exorcist. Finally, they endure a few days of just general "yuck" before they're able to feel “normal” again. Until the whole process cycles back, of course.

Sounds familiar? You might, then, want to consider planning your wedding around your period. Many brides choose to go this route so as to not deal with their menstrual cycle on the big day and honeymoon; however, there are a few health factors to keep in mind if choosing to take this course of action. That's why we tapped OB-GYN Amy Roskin, M.D., nurse practitioner Sabine Sanon, FNP-BC, and integrative nutritionist and hormone expert Alisa Vitti to find out the truth about how to handle your menstrual cycle on the big day and beyond.

Meet the Expert

  • Amy Roskin, MD is the chief medical officer of The Pill Club, a women’s telehealth and wellness platform. She is also a board-certified OB-GYN and has been practicing for nearly two decades.
  • Sabine Sanon, FNP-BC is a nurse practitioner based in Long Island, NY. She has a graduate degree in advanced practice nursing and has worked in a variety of specialties including cardiology, pediatrics, otolaryngology, and more.
  • Alisa Vitti is a functional nutritionist and women’s hormone expert. She is the founder of FLO Living, a virtual online health center to help women solve their hormonal symptoms, and is also the best-selling author of WomanCode.

How to Plan Your Wedding Around Your Menstrual Cycle

While it might seem obvious to avoid the week of your period when planning your wedding, many brides-to-be don't realize that there are various phases during their menstrual cycle that are okay to embrace on the big day. And if you're wondering when those exact moments are, keep reading below for everything you need to know.

The Menstruation Phase

Vitti, who is known as “the hormone whisperer,” shares that she intentionally scheduled her wedding to take place while she was on her period. Why? “During menstruation, the left and right hemispheres of your brain communicate maximally across the corpus callosum, which is this bundle of nerves that goes between the two hemispheres,” she explains. “I love doing important things—like when I gave a TED talk—during this time because I’m able to be the most present.”

She also notes that timing your wedding during this phase can help avoid a phenomenon commonly reported among many brides: feeling as though the events were a blur. “I remember every moment from my wedding day,” she adds. Nonetheless, Vitti does admit that this strategy can be logistically difficult (think: big dress, hard-to-reach tampon).

The Follicular Phase

The follicular phase, or that first week after your period, is another great time for embarking on new adventures, Vitti notes. “You’re going to be in an open space emotionally,” she claims. (Perhaps this is a good strategy if you’re prone to anxiety or fear you may experience cold feet?)

The Ovulatory Phase

Another favorable time? The week that follows your period may be a wedding-day jackpot, for a few reasons. “In the ovulatory phase, you’re going to physically feel your best, you’re going to have the most symmetrical face for photographs, and you’re just the most glowing, magnetic version of yourself,” Vitti explains. “And, of course, it will make the honeymoon entertainment (ahem) very fun.”

The Luteal Phase

Lastly, the one phase Vitti recommends avoiding is probably pretty obvious to most: that aforementioned luteal, or PMS phase. “This is going to be a time where your blood sugar is lower, your tendency for anxiety and depression is heightened, and you’re going to feel a little off and moody,” she says. “Not to mention the fact that if you haven’t addressed your period issues, you’re going to be dealing with PMS and bloating and breakouts, and that’s no good when you’re getting married.” The luteal phase, she explains, tends to also be the time in a cycle when women feel the least confident.

How to Plan Your Honeymoon Around Your Menstrual Cycle

If you plan to go away right after you get married, skipping your period on your honeymoon will depend on if you chose to skip it for your wedding. However, if your trip is scheduled a few months after you say "I do," the best course of action would be to consider the above menstrual cycle phases when scheduling your trip.

Dr. Roskin does note, however, that brides shouldn't place that much focus on planning their wedding and honeymoon around their menstrual cycle. "Sometimes your body changes or your situation changes," she says. "It’s not always a reliable way to plan this important event! Outside factors such as stress, lack of sleep, or changes in diet can also impact the timing of your period."

How to Control the Heaviness of Your Period

If you are concerned about the possibility of your cycle landing around your wedding day, there are ways to control the heaviness of your period or skip it altogether. "Patients on hormonal birth control can choose to skip their placebo pills, which can decrease the chances of having a period at all, which is fine! This is a safe and effective way to try to ensure that you don’t have your period and don’t have to worry," says Dr. Roskin.

As for other safe methods, Dr. Roskin further shares that "many people find that certain over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, naproxen, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can help decrease the flow (as well as cramping)."

If you do decide to start skipping your placebo pills, do this months in advance of your wedding day because it could cause irregular spotting for the first few months.

How to Control the Symptoms of Your Period

By now, we're sure you know that your actual period isn't the only concern when it comes to your menstrual cycle. You may also have to deal with breakouts, cramping, bloating, and more. Not to worry though, there are healthy, natural ways to curb these less-than-desirable symptoms, as highlighted below.

Try Out a Supplement Regimen

According to Sanon, FNP-BC, "Taking certain supplements has been linked with controlling some PMS symptoms. PMS symptoms have been linked with low magnesium levels in the body, as well as the change in hormone levels during this time in a woman's cycle. Thus, taking supplements such as magnesium and vitamin B-6 can help reduce these symptoms."

Be Intentional About Your Food Intake

"You’ve got to performance eat for a couple of days leading up to the event,” Vitti advises. “Starving yourself is not the thing to do because, again, you have more blood sugar needs during the luteal phase and not eating is going to put you in a bad mood.” Dr. Roskin also adds how slightly tweaking your diet may help symptoms like bloating. "I’ve had patients respond positively to changes in their diet, such as reduced salt and increased fatty acids."

Plan Ahead in Case of an Emergency

"Make a plan for your period, in case of emergencies! For example, I've had patients switch to menstrual cups ahead of their weddings (instead of tampons or pads) and find it to be a really effective and easy way to manage their period and decrease the worries of bleeding through their undergarments," notes Dr. Roskin.

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